• 美国曾经有“家族世仇”的传统,马凯和康菲尔就是两个世代仇杀不止的家族,1810年,约翰·马凯与詹姆斯·康菲尔在雨夜中交火,双双身亡。约翰的遗孀为了让儿子摆脱世仇,带幼子远赴纽约生活,而詹姆斯的父亲则发誓将两个孙子养大以后报仇。二十年后,威利·马凯(巴斯特·基顿BusterKeaton饰)长大成人,他要赶回老家继承父亲的遗产,在经历了一场缓慢又状况百出的火车旅行之后,威利与同行的姑娘维吉妮亚结为朋友。到达目的地的威利拜访维吉妮亚家,而这位姑娘居然是康菲尔一家的小女儿,维吉妮亚的两个哥哥在知晓威利身份以后要加害他,但是“待客之道”的传统让他们不能在家中下手,于是威利赖在康菲尔家中以求自保……
  • A Venetian musician at La Fenice theatre is affected by an incurable disease. By chance he meets his ex-wife who is now living with another man. She finally realizes that she is still in love with him.One of the most romantic films ever made and that still bears the pass of time despite some camera cliches of the 70's. Venice at its best is the setting for a poignant story of lovers parting for ever in a day's time. Sensitive and powerfully emotional, but never corny, with Musante and Bolkan as passional as you may wish lovers can be. A wonderful soundtrack and a beautiful cinematography help to make this film be a delight thirty-two years after it was made. Not to be missed.